Kamis, 17 November 2016

Irfan Bachdim Certainly does not appear in the AFF Cup 2016 due to injury

Ahead of the departure to the Philippines in order to follow the AFF Cup 2016, the national disaster-stricken Indonesia. One of their flagship player, Irfan Bachdim should injury a broken fibula. He must be injured for two months and certainly failed to compete in AFF Cup 2016.

Gen. cederanya Irfan occurred at a morning workout on Tuesday (15/11/1999). When it's getting Hansamu of tekel Irfan Yama when Barcelona held internal games. After a tackle by Hansamu, the player instantly moaning in pain, even assisted by two official national team to walk out of the field. He was immediately taken to hospital in the region for further treatment Karawaci.

"The News is not good. We can information from our medical staff if Irfan (During) the injury is quite severe. He suffered a broken fibula bone. Irfan (Bachdim) decidednot to join the AFF Cup 2016. Truly a great loss for us, "said Riedl source by www.1001instalike.com.

Irfan Bachdim Certainly does not appear in the AFF Cup 2016 due to injury

"We've been invited to replace Pahabol Ferinando Bachdim. He is now in Jakarta along with Real Madrid, so it's easy to invite him to join us. But still, without conditionsDuring the team will become less good because he is a pretty good player for this team, "he added.

After undergoing a MRI examination, the results showed that the bone cracked fibula Bachdim. He crossed out of Indonesia National Team squads for the AFF Cup 2016. Any player directly pointing Ferinando Pahabol as successor to Irfan. He had beenin Jakarta along with Persipura Jayapura.

The question of who will be the core players in the front line, it seems Riedl will install duet Eliandri Lerby and Boaz Salossa in front-line. Duet is what often appear in front of the national team players slots in some test matches to duel.

Not brought to AFF Cup Irfan 2016, as expressed by the Fans, is a pretty big loss. In some test matches, sparring Irfan often shows a charming appearance, as when against Malaysia and Viet Nam (home and away). The player is now defending Consodale Sapporo provides a different dimension in midfield and attack.

Support any flow to Irfan in order to heal faster. Two players who once defended the national team, namely Kurniawan Dwi Yulianto and Ricardo Salampessy, give zestto Irfan so heal faster from injuries that he naturally now.