Minggu, 27 November 2016

Vamos Calon faces in Mataram 3 new players

This time it was overtaken by Mochammad Reza and Akbar Salim Hanif left the team from Bandung was. Reza Jaul ' greetings ' companion, rumored to be anchored to one of the futsal club from the capital city of Jakarta. The issue of the pullout thatIndonesia futsal national team players getting stronger that he has uniformed IPC Pelindo II.

While Salim Hanif has been officially headed to his hometown of Solo, that is. Hanifensured the Club will stand for Fatah. The player who has the face of Arab descentwere eager to promote futsal Solo towards the national level.

Whether a club that last season's final four translucent FSL that already have a replacement for star players? "The Club's Management already sign a successor" of the official account Instagram FC Libido, when replying to a comment from one fan weighs.

Vamos Calon faces in Mataram 3 new players

The issue of the transfer of the player returned, now comes from one of the living legend Futsal Indonesia, namely Vennard Hutabarat, rumored to be uniformed futsal team from Bandung, Libido FC.

It is believed by the former captain of the national team futsal Indonesia itself whenhe uploaded the photos using jersey Libido FC account Instagram.

"finally be joined also with Libido, thank you very much for this opportunity," aboutthe issue of the transfer of players through the official account Instagram hers (@Vennardhutabarat).

Either just mere witticism or not from the original Riau born May 2, 1974 that, regarding the matter of uniformed team FC Libido. If true, the public especially lovers of futsal Indonesia will not wait to await the return action of the former Tigers Swamp it.

Previously, Vennard or by greeting a close companion ' Veve ' has already decided on his retirement from the national team and national futsal world after SEA GamesXXVI 2011 past and present a bronze medal when it defeated Malaysia 3-2.

After successfully bringing the 5 players like Andriansyah Agustin, Muhammad Nasrullah, Nazil, Ali Fauzi and Rian Fhandy Solanki. Vamos now Carlsberg Mataram is rumored to be back recruiting new players again.

Previous Coach Bonsu Hasibuan claimed to satisfied his team against the recently won Independence Cup 2015 because of Bali on Monday (5/8) yesterday after subjecting POUND Jabar in the final by a score of 8-5, in Denpasar, Bali.

Vamos Calon faces in Mataram 3 new players

However in the stock transfer players, Vamos has still not stopped to hunt down players. Bonsu, also said that the NTB team will recruit 3 new players again.

"Vamos will target 3 players have experience, I haven't been able to say his name," says Bonsu, when asked by the editorial team Tambah like instagram ID.

Rumored 1 player is one of the players of the pre PON DKI Jakarta and defending Electric PLN.

Then who is 2 players the experience? Worth the wait!

Rewind 5 years ago, precisely in 2010 to bear in mind in particular, masyakat Indonesia, Indonesia's national futsal Team bearing his name in Viet Nam.

On April 11, 2010 to be exact, as evidence for the history of Futsal and Indonesia grabbed the title for the first time in the final of the AFF Futsal Championship 2010 in the final, after they beat Malaysia by a score of 5-0, striking, in Phu Tho Stadium, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.